Jump$tart Coalition National Educator Conference – Scholarship Application Window

Jump$tart Coalition National Educator Conference – Scholarship Application Window

Start date: April 15, 2021
End date: August 20, 2021

Teachers, sponsors, speakers, exhibitors and other supporters of financial education will gather Nov. 6-8, 2021 for the 12th annual Jump$tart National Educator Conference at the historic Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC, to “return, reset, and recommit” to financial education in the classroom.

For teachers, the Jump$tart National Educator Conference remains an all-scholarship event.  Through the generosity of our scholarship providers and other donors, teacher participants are provided full conference registration, two hotel nights and six conference meals.

All teachers interested in attending the 2021 Jump$tart National Educator Conference must apply for a scholarship (or must have received one from one of our participating Partners or State Coalitions).  The scholarship application period runs from April 15 through August 20, 2021.

Learn more and apply for a scholarship at https://www.jumpstart.org/what-we-do/nec/2021-nec/ .

Note: This is a separate application process from the Kentucky Jump$tart Coalition’s Teacher of the Year Award. You may apply for both programs.