Kentucky Clearinghouse of Financial Literacy Materials

Jump$tart strives to identify high-quality personal finance materials for educational use. The National Coalition has a clearinghouse database of personal finance resources available from a variety of education providers such as government, business and nonprofit organizations. The materials can be ordered directly from the source, and many are low-cost or free. Teachers often use these personal finance teaching materials to support their state’s standards in economics, business, math and family and consumer science.

The Kentucky Coalition also offers a variety of resources available from our Kentucky Jump$tart partners and others. Item descriptions, along with ordering information or direct downloads or links are available below.

Click on the links below to view our Kentucky Clearinghouse documents:


The Kentucky Jump$tart Coalition has compiled the following collection of websites. Inclusion in this listing does not constitute an endorsement by the coalition.

Kentucky Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators – Financial Literacy Updates